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I injured several ribs in a fall a few weeks ago. I had a session for the pain with Alina. When I woke the next morning the pain had gone from

a 5 to a 1.... Amazing! Not only was the pain reduced, but the healing was accelerated by weeks!

--- Sue B....................Parma


- After a fall on wooden steps, I had a severely bruised left bum. Alina put me on the SCIOS machine and within a few hours the pain (6 out of

10) was completely gone! THANKS Alina!

--- Terry B...................Parma


- I was experiencing severe sciatica pain last evening. Alina did a pain & inflammation session on me. This morning the pain is noticeably

lessened. I went from not being able to function because of the pain, to having it be very tolerable

--- David M................Parma


I can feel the tightness in my chest relaxing during and after a biofeedback session. This has allowed me to scale back on my asthma medicine. Biofeedback has made a noticeable difference in the health of my digestive system. Bloating and gas are no longer an uncomfortable embarrassment. I started the skin renewal service. Even my friends have noticed that the pores on my face have shrunk and that my skin seems brighter and less wrinkles! 

I highly recommend Alina to all my friends

Paula C. ...................Willoughby



I love coming to Alina. I have severe allergies and my ears are always clogged do to my allergies. I had Alina do ear candle on me and my allergies are 90% better and I finally feel like I’m not in fishbowl.




I started coming to Alina for Ionic detox foot baths because my legs were so painful and purple from my Diabetes. I was very concerned about the circulation and color of my legs. I have had a session every week and my legs look and feel much better. My friends and family have even noticed how good my legs look. I have not seen them have normal color for years.




When my beautiful 11 year old Pomeranian suffered severe trauma, I did everything I could to save her life. Once she was stable from conventional medicine and able to receive biofeedback therapy, I turned to Alina and her expertise with alternative therapy. After one session of BFT I could see a difference in Jackie and continued to see improvements with each session. I highly recommend Alina for healing yourself or those that are precious to you. Kristina Biondolillo, Executive Director, Marilyn's Voice 



I’m a very physical person, at work and at play. I also have aches and pains that come with age. I’ve had more than a handful of BFT sessions with Alina and she’s helped with those. One appointment I went to I hadn’t mentioned that I pulled a muscle in my lower left side of my back but I didn’t need to, the machine told her that I had ! I could barely lift my left leg without assisting it and I wasn’t getting very good sleep from the pain. Alina worked on it and by that evening I was probably 90% better, got a good night’s sleep, and by morning I was 100%. It was amazing. I also tend to be a bit tightly wound and stressed. I don’t know how to explain it, but I have a better outlook. I’m not as negative and my mind is clearer. I feel Alina is a kind and personable person who has a true desire to help people as well. I always look forward to my appointment.


Kim ……… Eastlake



I decided to have reflexology as a means of balancing a very busy life. I have a session with Alina 2-3 times a month and I look forward to them in the knowledge that it will leave me feeling much calmer and relaxed. The session is an absolute pleasure and the ongoing results are wonderful. I look forward to my regular sessions and feel that I am taking preventative measures with my health. I would highly recommend Alina – she has a very gentle and caring approach.



My cat has had sinus issues for years and Alina has been giving him Biofeedback therapy. He has been breathing much better and I stopped giving him steroids and he has been just perfect. I’m so glad I don’t have to give him those dangerous steroids anymore. He is happy and has been playful.  

Farina ……………. Willoughby



I have been on migraine medicine for a month now with no pain relief. I went back to the doctor and he told me to give it time to work.  After a month don’t you think I would have gotten some relief?  My friend recommended I try an alternative approach and recommended me to Alina. I did not think this would work, but thought what do I have to lose.  After one Biofeedback session my pain was 50% relieved. I’m a true believer and can’t wait to go too my next appointment.  Alina was very understanding and her prices were very reasonable.  I can’t say enough good things about her. She is a very understanding and caring person.





I was diagnosed with chronic leukemia in 2002.  I have been pressured by my oncologist to go on chemo, because I have been so fatigued. He said it would give me energy. I have refused chemo, even though my WBC is high and my RBC is low, because I do not want to take a poison that will damage my immune system.

A good friend insisted I try Quantum Biofeedback first, after she had great results with pain relief. So, having nothing to lose, I gave it a try. After the second session I could feel the change in energy from being very lethargic to feeling the way I did before I became ill.

Since 2002 all I wanted to do was to sleep even after a full nights sleep. Everything was an effort. I would be exhausted after doing one task and have to lie down.
Biofeedback gave me the energy I needed in a completely non invasive way. It lifted my spirits. I was beginning to think that this was how I was going to be from now on. Biofeedback gave me hope.

After a long break I’ve been able to resume my classical singing, I’ve started exercising and I’m entertaining friends again. I feel balanced in my core to the point of feeling back to normal. People are noticing and are amazed at the difference. That peaceful sense of well being that we tend to take for granted is back.  




My name is Sharon M. Over a year ago, I came down with Lyme Disease. In addition to this, I have been very ill for most of my life with asthma and allergies. I have done many natural and holistic healing systems through the years, with varying degrees of success in dealing with my ongoing challenges. However, Lyme Disease was truly taking its toll on me, and I did not feel like I would ever get well.

I was introduced to the SCIO, and I thought "What the heck...I have nothing to loose..."

I should mention here that I also am a practicing Reiki Master, and I am very familiar with the sensations of energy work. Even though I live far away from where the SCIO was actually working on me, it may as well have been in the room with me. I was extremely aware of all the nuances and sensations as the SCIO ran through the list of what my body needed. At one point, during one session, my jaw was realined, and I actually felt as though some one had put their fingers into my upper palate and pushed. my TMJ was much improved for some time.

After the very first session, I noticed a marked change in my overall energy levels...and remarkably, my diet changed dramatically literally overnight. I absolutely craved green vegetables, and my usual caffeine intake went way down on the first day. I also could digest dairy, and found my breathing much improved.

After about 3 sessions, I accompanied my young friend on one of her long walks. As we walked and talked, I suddenly realized that not only was I keeping up - but I was not in pain and I could breath. We ended up walking about 10 miles round trip...a feat I would have been incapable of before.

As the sessions continued, the symptoms of Lyme disease went away altogether, my overall health improved...and I came to understand that I could not eat Wheat. What is amazing about this machine is that it allowed me to make really important dietary changes WITHOUT STRUGGLE...I am not one to easily give up food I really love...and with this SCIO, I found that not only could I make those changes, but it was actually more like the changes just happened naturally...I simply craved different food, simple as that.

I now feel, at age 40, that I have a new lease on life. I still have bad days, and sometimes still need my inhaler or get fatigued, but most of the time I feel better than I actually ever have before. I have made big dietary changes that resulted in a loss of troublesome pounds as well as made me feel healthier. I wrote the book I have always wanted to write - oh, that reminds me...the SCIO can influence your creativity and inspiration. I don't know how it does it, but after I asked the machine to up my levels of inspiration and creativity, I wrote the whole book. This has been a project I wanted to complete for many years, and it just happened so easily.

Now that I feel better, I have been able to get and keep a job working at a Co-op. I love this job. Previously, being around too many people was draining, and now I suddenly have pleasure in being around people.

In my experience, not only did the SCIO help me to feel physically better, but it also addressed levels of depression and anxiety that I had had due to always feeling sick. It also helped me to feel unblocked creatively and able to cope better with life in general.

I now get "hooked up" every couple of weeks or so. each session carries me for quite a while. I notice a marked change within minutes of being worked fact there were times when I forgot that I had a session planned, but the operator plugged me in long distance, anyway. Then, without knowing why, I would get very sleepy, or thirsty, or something else that had me wondering what was going on. when I would figure out that I was being SCIO'd, I would laugh at how powerful this system is...even though I did not consciously remember the session, still my body was reacting to it.

I am very, very great-full for this system. out of all the holistic tools I have tried through the years, this system is like plugging into each and every one of them all at once. I got help for my body, mind and emotions...even my spirit.

I fully support this tool and system. The SCIO works, and the proof is in how good anyone can feel from being lucky enough to have sessions with it.




"My name is Mary. For me it all began when my list of medical ailments began to look like a grocery shopping list:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Esophageal gastritis

  • Premenopausal issues

  • H Pylori

  • Lower Back name a few

All of these in conjunction with being a single, homeschoooling Mom, created the feeling of being constantly ill, stressed and overwhelmed. My medical care was being handled by and OB/Gyn, Chiropractor, Gastroenterologist, Homeopath and General Practitioner. The list of prescription medications I was being asked to take began to grow, prempro, Nexium, Elavil, Bentyl, Ambien, Cymbalta...

I knew deep within that I had to seek change, a different path, and that life had more to offer me than the constant identification with low energy and poor health. It was somewaht of a Divine moment when I heard about the SCIO and treatment modalities that could offer some hope. I was very open to a new way towards healing. One of the things I was told was that "real healing begins on the inside at the cellular level and it is a place we can reach thru "homeopathy" and this successful method of treatment."

It has been five months since I was first evaluated and my life is completely different. My doctor visits are rare, my medicine cabinet is nearly empty of prescription drugs and my health has improved radically.I am now into a daily routine of beginning with prayer, yoga and Pilates, juicing with fresh fruits and vegetables and focusing only on the day at hand. My homeopathic remedies suggested, and which I take daily have given me amazingly new energy and helped to lower my stress levels. I feel more joyful, energized, positive and now have a new attention to wellness in my mind, body and spirit.

My Fibromyalgia is now very manageable and I can truly say that I have my life back. I definitely have more "good stuff" to give now and was blessed to have been able to be helped thru SCIO evaluations and too can benefit in tremendous ways, like any other worthwhile thing it requires commitment, change and a focus on being in charge of your own wellness......just be open, ask and receive and you will be on your way to better health."

Thank you,




I am writing to share my experience with Biofeedback.  I wanted to see what it was all about, so that I may better be able to encourage others to experience it.  I was very surprised at how relaxing the treatment actually was!  I practically fell asleep - forgetting all the other “things” I had to get done that day.  I didn’t have a focus for my session - but felt more relaxed and a sense of peace and tranquility throughout the rest of my day. I continued that week with a calm focus to my work and life.  I would encourage anyone who is struggling with a health challenge or overall stress to take the time and try this wonderful treatment.  For me, taking time for myself isn’t something I generally do; however, it was well worth it!

Quantum Life Healing is a special place - Make it a point to step out of the box so you can get to living a stress free life!

Thanks again,


If I could tell you anything about Quantum Biofeedback, I would say, “Don’t knock it till you try it.”   In the hands of a trusted provider, it is a wonderful tool for endless avenues of healing!

I received treatments for grief recovery, as an alternative to prescription anti-depressants recommended by a professional counselor.  The very first session marked a turning point for me, as I sensed hope being restored.  The heaviness and sorrow inside began to lift.  I felt encouraged, energized and emotionally strengthened.  During this very difficult time, Quantum Biofeedback made the vital difference - instead of enduring each day, I began to embrace life again.

At my sixth session, words came up on the screen saying, “ready to move forward in life”.  That phrase encapsulated my feelings exactly.  I made it though the valley, to the other side, without medication and its side effects.

Several family members have made unsolicited comments regarding the increased stability they have seen in me.  That is a testimony in itself!

Patti M.
Occupational Therapist




I have had the opportunity to use the SCIO on a few different occasions. It always relieves my pain from a degenerative hip, and leaves me with a distinct sense of well-being. It is hard to wrap my brain around how it works, but I have come to this conclusion: the SCIO has the ability to skip over a step - the material aspect of energy, and talk to the body in an energetic language. I think of it this way: when you take vitamins, each pill has an energetic frequency that the body reads and knows what to do with. The SCIO by-passes the material form and delivers just the energetic frequency, which the body also reads and knows what to do with. It is the evolution of efficiency. This is just my own simplified version of how it may be working with such accuracy.

The initial scan is always interesting when it comes up with your top 100 items. They are amazingly on target. I can always feel the acupuncture program working on me because I feel the targeted meridian light up. I am familiar with the feeling from having lots of  acupuncture. I often feel energy signatures at different points in the treatment, and I usually get very sleepy a little bit into the treatment. I recently read a book called "The Subtle Body" by Cindi Dale, which reviews many different alternative treatment modalities, including biofeedback and remote healing. It explains and documents energy fields and quantum physics related to healing. It has really helped me understand energy of this sort.















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